Wednesday 7 November 2012

Preliminary Task: "Is It Done?"


This is our original storyboard which we used to base our preliminary task titled "Is It Done" on. To view, click the arrow pointing to the right to switch between slides and if desired, view in full screen. 

As you will see we made a few changes as we filmed. One significant change was from the knife to a gun. We decided to use a gun instead for health and safety reasons as we were filming in a school area. Secondly, the gun was readily available from our drama props department and resulted in the short film looking effective as it got the horror theme and point across well.

Here are some images of us during the process of filming. To view, click the arrow pointing to the right to switch between slides and if desired, view in full screen. 

This is our final video for our preliminary task. 

We were really pleased with the outcome of our preliminary task. We successfully showed a character opening a door, crossing a room and sitting down in a chair opposite another character. The two characters then exchanged dialogue and the character then left the room. Along with these specifications we also had to include a match on action shot, shot reverse shot and follow the 180-degree rule. Using these shot types and the brief we had to follow, helped us understand how to plan, direct, construct and edit a film and I believe it will really help us to improve and master filming techniques in our final film. Although we accidentally broke the 180-degree rule, we corrected this through post-editing by flipping the shot. This ensured the continuity of the sequence was smooth and the audience didn't get confused.

We then decided we wanted to have a discussion on what we thought went well in our preliminary shoot and what went wrong of which we could improve on. Below is a short evaluation of our group discussing the preliminary task and what things we want to adjust for our final film. Having an open discussion like this enabled us to share our thoughts and ideas amongst the group and come to conclusions on future improvements.

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