Friday 9 November 2012

Institution Research

Lions Gate Entertainment Corporation or known as “Lionsgate” is an entertainment company founded in 1997 in Vancouver. From data as of 2012, it is the most commercially successful film and television distribution company in North America. Lionsgate are also the sixth most profitable movie studio earning a huge revenue of $1.6 billion. The company is associated with 9 other subsidiaries and is divided into four categories; Lionsgate Films, Lionsgate Home Entertainment, Lionsgate Music & Publishing and Lionsgate Television.

Below are some of Lionsgates films: 

Lionsgate have two different types of logos. One is their regular well known logo (top) and the other is their logo used in horror films (bottom). Both are really good but I think the horror logo is really effective due to the sound and colours used. 


Twisted Pictures is also an American production company. The institution are mostly well known for producing films of the horror genre. They formed after a successful box office sale of the first “Saw” film in 2004 which lead to a distribution deal with Lionsgate. Twisted Pictures have also recently developed from filmography into television similar to Lionsgate.  This autumn they broadcasted the new comedy show “Anger Management” on Comedy Central starring the well-known actor Charlie Sheen. The company have produced films other than the Saw series such as Dead Silence, The Tortured and Texas Chainsaw 3D.

Below is the Twisted Pictures logo. The graphics are really effective and well constructed. The horror theme is portrayed instantly through the black background, sketchy font and barbed wire wrapping the letters. 

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