Friday 9 November 2012

Making of Our Institution Logo Animation

The following print screens and annotations explain how we achieved our institution logo title. We put together a brainstorm of ideas among the group of what colours, sounds, mise-en-scene and vibe we wanted the titles to ascertain. Rhys McEvoy in our group is very talented with using graphic software programmes and produced the following as a first draft idea:

It was made using Adobe After Effects CS4 and Sony Vegas Pro 11 for the music. We were all really impressed with Rhys' efforts in bringing together our ideas and producing this logo animation. The sound is really similar to a lot of insitution titles such as 20th Century Fox and really looks like a professional animation. The revolving cubes look really effective and look like you are searching for a film to watch amongst thousands of screens put together. We reconsidered some more ideas and Rhys took on board all of our comments and reconfigured the graphics to produce the following:

This is our final insitution logo animation. After researching many other institutions we decided we all really liked Lionsgate's idea of making their insitution logo titles into a horror theme. We felt it was really effective in preparing the audience for a scary film and so we wanted to portray a spooky feel to ours. This is better than the first draft as the music is much more unsettling. The sound is of a lower key and slower tempo which makes the audience feel uneasy. The screams sound effects added is a conventional sound of death and danger and really adds to the scary mood. We initially all said we wanted our logo to include sketchy effects of a broken video camcorder and this was achieved by adding the flickering logo changing colour to black and white at the end.

So how was it actually made? Below are a few screenshots of the compilation of the whole animation.

Lastly the sound effects were added. We wanted to go with the theme of children in our film as viewers see them as innocent and vulnerable and so as a result of seeing young people hurt, victimized or even subverted to being the villain, the audience are more emotionally affected by it. So to conform to this we decided to add children screaming as non-diegetic sound effects to spook the viewer and comply with the horror genre of our institution titles. Soft strings from an orchestra play faintly in the background as this sound is conventionally heard in horror films to make the audience feel uneasy. Sketchy, eerie sounds are also added onto the logo itself which sound like mechanical glitches add a 'home video', paranormal effect to the animation. 

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