Sunday 18 November 2012

Our Institution and Film Name

In class towards the beginning of our project we had a brainstorm of various names for our institution. We wanted the name to express excellence and the design of the logo to represent connotations of horror. We wanted to be memorable as a company who produce films of the horror genre. After lots of thought we came up with the name "Unprecedented Pictures." The definition of unprecedented is:- "Never done or known before". We particularly liked the fact that this initiated that our films are unique and stand out from other horror films previously broadcast. The 'pictures' part of the institution name exemplifies the fact we are a film production company and also alliterates both "p's" in the two words for an even more memorable effect.

For our film name we wanted a short, unusual word which was bold and also memorable. As you can see from the highlighted word in the diagram below, we came to the conclusion of the name "Anomalous". We got really gripped with this name and it began our journey of the narrative for our film. Liking the idea of the main character being anonymous or anomalous, we constructed our narrative ideas around this base idea. This is the exact definition of the word anomalous which we plan to use as a guide and also a slogan for our film: "Deviating from what is standard, normal, or expected."

Below is a computerised version of our brainstorm with our most concentrated ideas for both our institution name and final film name. 

Here is my analysis of our final logo designed by Jake Hayes using Adobe Photoshop. We're all really pleased with the final result and feel our logo will be memorable to the audience. [Click on the image below to view a clearer, enlarged version.]
As you may have noticed, we have also added our own favicon  (example below: a small icon which represents the website logo you are on in the address bar next to the URL) which has our logo on it. Myself, Olivia, Jake and Rhys have all added this to our blog which we feel adds technicality and professionalism to our group as a whole.

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