Monday 12 November 2012


The location we are thinking of using is a local estate in Stotfold which is newly built but with few residents; a ghostly feel with empty houses would be created and modern new houses will give a twist and subvert the usual 'ancient haunted house' convention. A unique location which is different from other films will gratify the audience along with scaring them as the modern houses they witness will be similar to houses they live in and/or are surrounded by nowadays! I can visualize a street lit by streetlights, empty roads with few cars, and bare curtain-less houses which look deserted. Or perhaps dark alleyways, or infinite pathways with streetlights. We plan to shoot in the afternoon at around 4pm so that the lighting is fairly dark but light enough to be visible and clear on the camera.

This is a video screening of us researching our location on google maps before visiting the area. A friend had told us about this area and I had previously visited a house nearby and so we thought the area was very suitable for our shoot. 

We arranged to meet together one lunch time to take photographs of our potential location. At the beginning of our media project we set up a group on Facebook so that the four of us could easily discuss ideas, share photos and documents and plan for upcoming lessons. Travelling by car gave us the ability to look around different streets, stop and photograph buildings and streets we thought would look good for our film. We had a street in mind but upon visiting the estate we found an even better location; a long narrow pathway/alleyway, lined with streetlights which can be seen in the pictures below (scroll down).

Example of the Unprecedented Pictures team communicating efficiently and effectively.

Myself, Jake Hayes, Rhys McEvoy and Olivia Gascoine taking pictures on the estate. 

The following are our location shots of potential places. The actual location we plan to shoot at are the last two photographs (same alleyway) but still perhaps integrate the other locations into the filming as an establishing shot perhaps.

We really like the infinite pathway in the last photo which is lined with streetlights and houses either side. I think it looks really ghostly, chilling and suggests a pathway leading to nowhere. It fits in well with the horror genre and is a perfect area for our first shot. Below is a montage of all of the shots we all took.

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