Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Questionnaire Results

We tried to get an equal distribution of gender and ages to get fair results which wouldn't create any biased answers. However, our age groups range from young teenagers to middle aged adults only as we aren't aiming to appeal to young children or the elderly as horror films aren't suitable for those audience types.
This enabled us to understand how often and how interested our interviewee's actually are in horror films.


From this we decided upon creating a psychological horror film and this proved most popular and we were also keen on the sub-genre itself.


We took all of these results into consideration when making our decisions for our final film audience profile planning. These charts really helped us however we did make some changes and combine various personal preferences.

1 comment:

  1. As with the others of your group, excellent films e.g directing the actors, how to make fake blood etc
    Also good audience survey results posted as charts, dont forget to refer to how you took the results into account.
