Sunday 30 December 2012

"Anomalous" Filming - On-set Pictures - Voiceover Photo Essay

On Sunday 23rd December, Unprecedented Pictures got together to film the last few scenes we had left to do.  Below is a video photo essay and a print screen shot of me on a software programme to make the video. I used iMovie to construct the photos, music, text and voiceover together.

Monday 24 December 2012


We had to film quite late due to various commitments ourselves and the actors had. On the day of filming, we were nearing Christmas and the young girl we were originally going to film had family arrangements and unfortunately couldn't make the filming. However we didn't let this throw us off and we adapted and decided to use Olivia (part of the Unprecedented Pictures team) as our female actress. This wasn't a problem though, as we soon realised the young girl isn't extremely dominant in the shots nor the narrative itself so all in all, it worked out perfectly.

Friday 21 December 2012

Why We Picked These Instutions - Institution Analysis

The following two videos show the Unprecedented Pictures team putting together two analysis' on why we chose Lionsgate and Paramount to be our institutions to appear at the beginning of our film opening. We researched and backed up our points together, filmed them and then edited the video using Windows Movie Maker to fast forward the video playback speed.



Saturday 15 December 2012

Important Paperwork

As we are going to be filming in a area of public eye, we decided for two different reasons to produce a sign which was officially headed from our school. This sign will be pinned up around our location area when filming so that firstly, passers by are careful not to walk into our shot and secondly, to inform them that our knife scenes are purely for acting purposes only.

Also, to understand and represent what film producers partake whilst filming, we designed a consent form for each of our actors whom we will ask to sign for their permission for us to film them.


Tuesday 4 December 2012

Questionnaire Results

We tried to get an equal distribution of gender and ages to get fair results which wouldn't create any biased answers. However, our age groups range from young teenagers to middle aged adults only as we aren't aiming to appeal to young children or the elderly as horror films aren't suitable for those audience types.
This enabled us to understand how often and how interested our interviewee's actually are in horror films.


From this we decided upon creating a psychological horror film and this proved most popular and we were also keen on the sub-genre itself.


We took all of these results into consideration when making our decisions for our final film audience profile planning. These charts really helped us however we did make some changes and combine various personal preferences.

Final Film Shooting - Day Two

Monday 3rd December - Derelict Barn

These are the shots we managed to achieve. They cover the storyboard shots 4-? however we made some changes along the way to improve it.

We decided we wanted to make our own fake blood to understand what film producers have to plan, prepare and manufacture in order to get their desired aim. We researched how to make it, brought the ingredients and then filmed the four of us at our location (for day 2), making the blood. Here is our How To video:

These are our photos from when we were filming which shows clearly what our roles were for this day. Rhys McEvoy and Olivia Gascoine shared the filming duty, Jake Hayes played the actor and I was in charge of lighting and set design. Although we all had our own set roles, we always made decisions as a group and gave each other advice and tips on different areas of the shoot. We also differentiate our roles each time we shoot so that we all get a chance to experience different aspects of the filming.

Below is a video recorded on Rhys' iPod just to show myself directing the scene to the actors and all of us discussing the most suitable way to do the razor cutting of the victim's (Jake's) neck. It shows us cooperating well as a group and contributing different ideas to get the best possible and most effective shot.

Monday 3 December 2012

DVD Cover Idea for Anomalous

We wanted an interesting and relevant way to present our film narrative so we came up with the idea of creating a blurb to go on the back of a DVD cover which could ideally be used for Anomalous. As the previous post shows, I wrote the narrative out in full. Olivia then converted this into a dramatic, audience-grabbing blurb to go on the back of our DVD and then Rhys used Photoshop to design it. We used the common conventions of DVD cover; images, gripping blurb, actors, institutions, film length, BBFC rating and barcode and also stuck to our house colours of red, white and black.

This is Rhys' first draft:
We then analysed it as a group and made the following changes:

The blurb reads: 
Anomalous is a game, a game that deviates from anyone or anything you have ever known. The game revolves around a set of red dice; Parker, a psychopath killer is the first and only game player. What number will the dice induce, only the set of rules in his back pocket will determine. The number on the dice will force him to complete formidable and monstrous tasks. Are you ready to play the game? 
-Written by Olivia Gascoine

Final Film Shooting - Day One

Monday 26th November - Jake's House

This is a voiceover of us before we began filming at our first location.

These are the shots we managed to achieve which have not yet been edited. Below the video clip are a few picture's of us on set.

These are the storyboard shots we covered today: