Wednesday 19 September 2012

Analysis of Sound in "Se7en" Opening Credits

The constant beat throughout the opening credits builds tension as there is no resolution and this unsettles the audience. The tempo increases throughout the video; further adding to the tense mood created. It begins with a slow calm beat, speeding up to a more chaotic collaboration of sounds at the end. The entire sound clip is also built on a crescendo which sends out a warning to the audience that something is about to happen. The credits (actors names etc) appear occasionally in time with the beats and occasionally at irregular intervals; this makes the audience feel uneasy.

Sensitive, high-frequency noises can be heard at the beginning of the clip which immediately makes the audience feel uneasy and signifies the horror genre. Quiet drumbeats can also be heard which could represent footsteps; again creating a horror atmosphere. The volume continuously increases and decreases which results in brief silences contrasted with loud outbursts. This is purposeful in trying to startle the viewers.

After about one minute, faint almost opera voices can be heard. This complies with the horror genre. At 1:20 a more musical beat is introduced which in hindsight is fairly upbeat, however the eerie sounds distort the music to a minor key. We hear the first set of lyrics/vocals within the last ten seconds of the frame and we are led unsure as to what is to happen next.

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